
Libya Crisis Response Plan 2020-2021





IOM Vision

In collaboration with international and Libyan stakeholders, IOM seeks to meet the growing operational challenges presented by conflict, displacement and irregular migration; advance understanding of migration issues and opportunities; encourage social and economic development through migration and uphold the well being of migrants and Libyan society more broadly. In this dynamic context, IOM's operations remain flexible and adaptable, rooted in participatory and rights-based approaches, with protection mainstreamed across its interventions. IOM Libya's overarching vision to ensure orderly and humane migration; promote international cooperation on migration issues; support practical solutions to migration challenges and provide humanitarian assistance to migrants (including persons of concern and internally displaced persons) and crisis-affected populations.

Context Analysis

The protracted armed conflict and political instability in Libya since 2011 have negatively impacted the lives of more than three million people across the country, resulting in the displacement of hundreds of thousands, reduced access to basic services and constraints on access to life-saving support. The country remains largely divided between rival administrations, often hindering national and local institutions’ ability to provide protection and basic services. The conflict has exacerbated pre-existing risks and vulnerabilities of migrants, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and conflict-affected populations in Libya. This has resulted in an acute need for the provision of services to migrants living in conflict zones or displaced by the conflict, including access to safe spaces.

Migrants living in Libya (both in detention centres and in urban settings) face significant protection concerns, including violence, exploitation, hazardous living conditions, and abuse at the hands of smugglers and traffickers. Many migrants find themselves in vulnerable situations both physically and psychologically and concerns are also highly gendered - women and girls from migrant and IDP communities face the threat of gender-based violence (GBV) and many fear moving outside their communities alone.

As of December 2019, IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) tracked 343,180 IDPs, 447,388 returnees and 636,426 migrants in Libya, and among those, 4,596 are in government-operated detention centres across the country. There are currently more than 0.9 million people in the country in need of multi-sector humanitarian assistance (Humanitarian Needs Overview Libya 2020) including protection, food, health, shelter and non-food items (NFI), water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), education, search and rescue, emergency consular and movement assistance, and education, as well as development-oriented transition and recovery support.