UNHCR, EU and Government officials posing for a photo at the Emergency Transit Mechanism Centre in Gashora. ©UNHCR/Eric Didier Karinganire
Kigali, Rwanda – 9 February 2023 – The European Union has announced a €22 million support package to the Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM) in Rwanda operated by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the Government of Rwanda.
The ETM provides a life-saving channel to evacuate refugees and asylum seekers in need of international protection from Libya to Rwanda. While these individuals temporarily remain in Rwanda, the ETM provides shelter as well as access to health, psychosocial support, and livelihood trainings for evacuees during the processing of their files and identification of future solutions, including onward resettlement to third countries.
This latest round of funding builds on an earlier Phase I support package of €12.5 million between 2019 and April 2022. The EU also funds another ETM in Niger, through which more than 4,000 refugees and asylum seekers have been evacuated out of Libya since 2017.
On this occasion, Ambassador Calvo Uyarra said: “The Emergency Transit Mechanism in Rwanda is a crucial life-saving initiative to evacuate people facing major threats and inhumane conditions in Libya to safety in Rwanda. It is a significant example of African solidarity and of partnership with the European Union. We are grateful to the Government of Rwanda for hosting these men, women and children until such time, durable solutions can be found.”
UNHCR Rwanda Representative, Ms. Aissatou Ndiaye said: “The European Union has been a vital partner and donor to UNHCR Rwanda’s operations over the last few years and we are thrilled to continue our partnership through this latest round of funding to the ETM. The needs of asylum seekers and refugees trapped in Libya are immense. Through the ETM and Government of Rwandan support, solutions are being found to bring them to safety, first in Rwanda and then subsequently in third countries through resettlement. Over the next years, we aim to support about 3,000 more people to find solutions to their plight.
UNHCR has evacuated about 1,500 refugees and asylum-seekers out of Libya to Rwanda since September 2019.
Of these, over 900 people have since departed Rwanda for resettlement and other complementary legal pathways. Among these, a large number of resettled refugees have been welcomed in EU countries, notably in Sweden, France, Belgium and Finland.
Large numbers of people remain in extremely difficult conditions in Libya, who urgently need to be brought to safety and to be provided with protection, assistance, and durable solutions.
Press contacts
Press and Information Officer, Delegation of the European Union to Rwanda
Phone: +250 788-198154/ Mobile: +250 788-830866
Lilly Carlisle
External Relations Officer, UNHCR Rwanda
Mobile: +250 (0) 788350295
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