Twelve years on, Syrian refugees face deepening debt and hunger

As their displacement drags on and host countries struggle with multiple crises, Syrian refugees around the region are slipping further into poverty.

15 Mar 2023

UN Refugee Agency warns of extreme hardship for forcibly displaced families this winter

11 Nov 2022

Iraqi doctor provides care and comfort to Yazidi survivors

Gynaecologist Nagham Hasan has spent years providing medical and emotional care to former ISIS captives, and pledges to continue "for the long haul" despite often harrowing work.

4 Oct 2022

Yazidi women box their way to recovery

A boxing project implemented by an NGO Innovation Award winner is empowering displaced Yazidi women and girls in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

23 Jun 2022

Message from the United Nations humanitarian, refugee, and development chiefs on the situation in Syria and the region

Statement by the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, and the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Achim Steiner

10 May 2022

Imagining Syria

With nearly two million Syrian refugee children aged 11 or under having little or no memory of home, we asked some of them to draw what Syria means to them.

15 Mar 2022

Internship a dream come true for refugee at IKEA store in Croatia

Furniture retailer IKEA offers promise of a new start for refugees in Croatia through internship programme under a partnership with UNHCR.

23 Jul 2021

Returning Iraqis face dire conditions following camp closures

With 250,000 Iraqis still living in camps after fleeing ISIS, sudden closure of 14 sites in late 2020 forced many to return to destroyed homes and villages lacking basic services.

27 May 2021

Iraqi couple among world's first refugees to get COVID-19 jab

After receiving inoculation as part of Jordan's national vaccination plan, Iraqi refugee Raia hopes life will soon return to normal and other refugees will follow her lead.

14 Jan 2021