Gifts for Warmth
Warm Refugee Families’ Hearts in Winter

Blankets and Sleeping Mats for Warmth

Families forced from their homes leave everything they own behind. This gift provides warmth and comfort as soon as they reach a refugee camp.

For just HK$750, you can provide the warmth and comfort of blankets and sleeping mats for 5 families that might otherwise sleep on the cold hard ground.

Cooking kits for Hot Meal

Cooking kits can provide refugee families who have lost everything a stove, pots and cutlery, giving them not only the necessities to cook a hot meal, but also feeling of normalcy.

A UNHCR Tent for Family

A UNHCR family tent is built to be weatherproof in both hot and cold weather conditions, and will last for a year, with room for five to sleep and to live, so that they can be kept safe and away from snow.

How does “Shop for Refugees” work?

Gifts in “Shop for Refugees” are symbolic items that represent UNHCR’s lifesaving assistance and services all around the world. When you choose to send vital and empowering gifts from an array of options, ranging from food, clean water, shelter, medical to school supplies, the income generated from “Shop for Refugees” will be used to support UNHCR’s works to protect people forced to flee, find solutions to resolve refugee issues and ensure that everyone has the right to seek asylum.