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UNHCR’s Climate Action

UNHCR’s Climate Action

Last year, UNHCR launched the Strategic Framework for Climate Action and laid out our responseto the growing, global climate emergency. Our climate action is focused on three main areas: 1. Law and Policy We provide legal advice, guidance and support to the...

Ukraine-Fastest Growing Refugee Crisis in Europe Since WWII

Ukraine-Fastest Growing Refugee Crisis in Europe Since WWII

Since the war in Ukraine escalated in February, nearly 15 million people have been forced to flee their homes and leave everything behind in scenes reminiscent of the world’s most destructive world war. Over 6 million more Ukrainians have crossed the border into...

Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots – Uniting Regional Aid via Innovative Approaches   As part of ongoing efforts to foster complementarity amongst different protection partners on the ground, UNHCR has been implementing various innovative approaches to organizing,...

Youth with a mission: Creating a bright future for refugees in Africa

Youth with a mission: Creating a bright future for refugees in Africa

Our decisions can have a strong impact on others’ lives. Recently, the story of a 25-year-old UNHCR intern Sun YiFei, was shared by local media Sing Tao Daily, demonstrating his frontline work at Bidibidi refugee camp in Uganda. By helping refugees gain new skills and...

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