
Primary healthcare

UNHCR Iran complements the efforts of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MoHME) in providing free of charge primary health care services to all refugees, at the same level as nationals. Free primary healthcare, including vaccinations, essential medicines and maternal and child health services are available to all, regardless of documentation status.

UNHCR also supports the construction and rehabilitation of health posts located in refugee populated areas and refugee settlements, providing of essential health personnel costs, and training for community health workers. Since 2018, UNHCR has contributed to construction and rehabilitation of 20 health posts and comprehensive health centers and continuously supported 134 health posts countrywide.

In 2021, a total of 16,200 persons visited health posts inside settlements and another 123,600 visited health posts in urban areas.

Secondary and tertiary healthcare

Since 2015, as part of the agreement between UNHCR, the Bureau for Alien’s and Foreign Immigrants’ Affairs (BAFIA), and the Iranian Health Insurance Organisation (IHIO), and in cooperation with the MoHME, all registered refugees have had access to the Universal Public Health Insurance (UPHI).

Refugees enrolled in the UPHI can access, secondary and tertiary healthcare at a subsidized rate, similarly to Iranian nationals. For the 8th cycle of the insurance, (25 Feb 2022 to 24 Feb 2023), UNHCR is covering 100% of the insurance premium for up to 120,000 of the most vulnerable refugees, including refugees who suffer from special diseases and their families. The remaining refugee population can enrol in the health insurance by paying the premium fee.

I am a refugee and I have questions about the health insurance


In addition, UNHCR collaborates with its partners to extend its outreach in the area of health. These joint interventions include medical referrals, prevention and harm reduction services through individual and group counselling.

To address the mental health needs of refugees, UNHCR has contracted one Psycho-Social Counsellor per office, to provide individual counseling services to people in need.

Priority is given to survivors of gender-based violence, but also survivors of torture and trauma, cases of attempted suicide, survivors of child abuse, substance users, and others. The Psycho-Social Counsellors may make referrals to the other specialists and/or the national system.

I am a refugee and I need psychosocial support

For information about UNHCR’s COVID-19 response in Iran please visit the page: