The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has submitted comments to proposed amendments to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania on Legal Status of Aliens and on State Border and Its Protection.
Two law amendments were prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and approved by the Government in January 2023: Draft Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Legal Status of Aliens (No XIVP-2385) and Draft Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the State Border and its Protection (No XIVP-2383). Both law proposals are currently being considered by the Seimas (Lithuanian Parliament) and relate to access to asylum and reception conditions.
UNHCR has analyzed both proposals and prepared observations with recommendations, which have been submitted to relevant Seimas Committees as well as state agencies and civil society.
UNHCR considers that the draft amendments to the Aliens Law, intended to ensure compliance with EU law and directives and a decision from the European Court of Justice, may be undermined by the proposed amendments to the State Border Law. Considering current practices on the border, the proposed amendments may put persons in need of international protection at risk of being pushed back at the border. UNHCR therefore recommends a revision of the amendments to the State Border law to ensure that a limited access to asylum is prevented.
UNHCR also recommends that the emergency provisions of the Aliens Law on placement in closed facilities are improved by including the necessary procedural safeguards.
Find UNHCR‘s observations in Lithuanian here, and in English here.
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