Twelve years on, Syrian refugees face deepening debt and hunger

As their displacement drags on and host countries struggle with multiple crises, Syrian refugees around the region are slipping further into poverty.

15 Mar 2023

Venezuelan refugees, migrants, and their hosts need help to chart a brighter future

Joint statement by UNHCR and IOM

14 Mar 2023

Kenya's Dadaab camp swells with Somalis fleeing drought, conflict

Failed rains and lingering conflict have driven over 110,000 Somalis across the border in the last two years into Kenyan camps already struggling to cope with drought.

28 Feb 2023

Venezuelan medical professionals step in to fill healthcare gaps in Peru

Among the 1.5 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Peru are doctors and nurses who want nothing more than the chance to serve.

15 Feb 2023

Child's joy helps Syrian refugee family weather Lebanon's economic crisis

Born without a forearm, Sarah's playful spirit gives her struggling family strength as economic crisis makes a tough situation harder still.

22 Dec 2022

Ukrainian refugees relieve stress with a support dog named Noir

Worried by the war back home, young Ukrainian refugees in Hungary are finding new ways to maintain their mental health.

15 Dec 2022

Somalis flee drought and conflict to Kenya's Dadaab camps

Some 45,000 Somalis have arrived to Dadaab in 2022 and more are expected to arrive in the coming months, but resources to receive them are stretched.

13 Dec 2022

Indigenous community in Uganda seeks an end to their statelessness

After decades of statelessness, the Benet community in Uganda are struggling to survive and access basic services like education and health care.

1 Dec 2022

Food shortages and aid cuts put more displaced women at risk of gender-based violence

Around the world, forcibly displaced women and girls are bearing the brunt of deteriorating economies, rising prices and a lack of funding for humanitarian responses.

25 Nov 2022