Film world shows solidarity with refugees at Oscars and beyond
More than 40 nominees and presenters at this year's major film awards wore UNHCR's #WithRefugees blue ribbon, culminating in strong support at 2023 Oscars ceremony.
Across borders, South Sudan's displaced call for peace
In the face of protracted conflict and climate-fuelled crises, those displaced within and from South Sudan jointly call for an end to conflict.
Venezuelan refugees, migrants, and their hosts need help to chart a brighter future
Joint statement by UNHCR and IOM
Q&A with Mary Maker, UNHCR's newest Global Goodwill Ambassador
After fleeing conflict and finding hope through education – first as a student then a teacher – she is now a passionate advocate and storyteller who aims to amplify the voices of other refugees.
I had to flee for my education, but refused to leave other Afghan girls to their fate
With women and girls in my homeland denied their right to study, I used technology to deliver education across borders. On International Women's Day, I call on global actors to take a stand for Afghan girls' right to education.
Former refugee, now volunteer teacher, helps other Afghan girls get an education
After spending her early years in Pakistan, Sahar graduated in Afghanistan and now devotes her time to ensuring girls can get an education despite growing restrictions.
As the Horn of Africa drought enters a sixth failed rainy season, UNHCR calls for urgent assistance
Kenya's Dadaab camp swells with Somalis fleeing drought, conflict
Failed rains and lingering conflict have driven over 110,000 Somalis across the border in the last two years into Kenyan camps already struggling to cope with drought.