I had to flee for my education, but refused to leave other Afghan girls to their fate

With women and girls in my homeland denied their right to study, I used technology to deliver education across borders. On International Women's Day, I call on global actors to take a stand for Afghan girls' right to education.

8 Mar 2023

'Network Guardians' help to bridge gender digital gap in Ecuadorian neighbourhood

Desiree Núñez volunteers to help her new community access internet services.

8 Mar 2023

Former refugee, now volunteer teacher, helps other Afghan girls get an education

After spending her early years in Pakistan, Sahar graduated in Afghanistan and now devotes her time to ensuring girls can get an education despite growing restrictions.

8 Mar 2023

Coffee connects Ethiopian refugees to home

Freweyni Tadese is keeping Ethiopia's coffee traditions alive and earning a living through her coffee shop in Sudan's Tunaydbah refugee camp.

3 Feb 2023

Afghan women affected by Taliban bans on work and study fear for their futures

Displaced women fear they will be unable to support their families without access to work and education.

18 Jan 2023

UN High Commissioner for Refugees calls to reverse ban of women humanitarian workers in Afghanistan

29 Dec 2022

Despite multiple displacements, Honduran woman emerges as a pillar of her community

Each time violence or tragedy erupted in her life, Laura* found herself forced to flee. But a women's organization has helped give her the strength to carry on and become a leader.

21 Dec 2022

Young Rohingya volunteers confront gender-based violence in crowded Bangladesh camps

UNHCR-backed programmes are empowering young Rohingya men and women to change the behaviour of their peers.

9 Dec 2022

Food shortages and aid cuts put more displaced women at risk of gender-based violence

Around the world, forcibly displaced women and girls are bearing the brunt of deteriorating economies, rising prices and a lack of funding for humanitarian responses.

25 Nov 2022