Joint press release: International community shows solidarity with efforts to enhance protection and find solutions for people forced to flee and host communities in Central America and Mexico

21 Sep 2022

Forced back home by the pandemic, Venezuelan grandmother sees no choice but to flee once again

With lockdown making it all but impossible for many Venezuelan refugees and migrants to meet their basic needs, thousands have headed home – only to have to flee again.

10 Dec 2020

Donors show solidarity with refugees and steadfast support for UNHCR programmes for 2021

2 Dec 2020

Conference on Sustaining Support for the Rohingya Refugee Response 22 October 2020

Joint Closing Announcement by Co-Hosts

22 Oct 2020

UNHCR calls for solidarity, support and solutions for Rohingya refugees ahead of an urgent donor conference

20 Oct 2020

Economic misery engulfs Syrian refugees and their hosts

In Lebanon, the capacity of local community and Syrian refugees to provide mutual support is being stretched to breaking point by economic turmoil and the COVID-19 crisis.

29 Jun 2020

Sheikh Thani Bin Abdullah makes the largest individual contribution ever in support of UNHCR

23 Mar 2020

Donors pledge US$1.2 billion funding to UNHCR for refugee protection and humanitarian programmes

5 Dec 2019

Legacy of 19th century Empress of Austria extends to today's refugees

Refugees in Ukraine will benefit from the will of Empress Elisabeth. The famous Austrian, nicknamed Sisi, left part of her fortune to good causes when she was assassinated in 1898.

27 Sep 2019