Five approaches for more refugee-friendly cities
On World Cities Day, UNHCR celebrates the mayors and local authorities who show solidarity with their refugee, internally displaced and stateless residents.
On World Cities Day, UNHCR celebrates the mayors and local authorities who show solidarity with their refugee, internally displaced and stateless residents.
A UNHCR study in Uganda proposes stronger action linking youth to the labour market, among other policy steps to improve outcomes for refugees and Ugandan host communities.
Los resultados de la encuesta confirman los diagnósticos operacionales y proporcionan evidencia crítica sobre las áreas en las que se debe incrementar el enfoque programático: medios de vida, eliminación de la inseguridad alimentaria y fortalecimiento del acceso a los servicios esenciales.
High-frequency surveys back up UNHCR’s operational assessment that displaced persons need more support to overcome socioeconomic obstacles while seeking refuge in Costa Rica.
Formative evidence from the Maratane Camp is particularly impactful during this economically volatile time as the global community searches for programmes that help build resilience among vulnerable poor households.