
Ethiopia: Humanitarian Response Plan Summary 2023



The 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) appeals for US$3.99 billion to assist more than 20 million people affected by conflict, violence and natural hazards across Ethiopia, including 13 million people suffering from the most severe drought impact in southern and eastern Ethiopia. The response will focus on most vulnerable people across highly affected areas, including internally displaced people (IDPs), returning IDPs, and affected non-displaced people. Two thirds of the targeted people are women and children.

In addition to integrating gender and age considerations to effectively reach all segments of targeted populations, the Plan will ensure advocacy and implementation of collective responsibilities towards accountability to affected populations (AAP) so that community voices inform decision-making. This will be streamlined across all sectors and response.While focusing on responding to the multiple, and very often overlapping, humanitarian crises across the country, this HRP will strongly advocate for and contribute to support and build linkages towards recovery and resilience programming where possible, including but not limited to supporting safe and dignified returns and restoration of livelihoods and of basic social services.

Humanitarian organizations, including national and international non-governmental organizations as well as the United Nations agencies, worked in consultation and collaboration with authorities at local and national levels to prepare this Plan. It will guide collective and coordinated multi-sector humanitarian action throughout the year.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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