Afghanistan/Pakistan: Earthquake - Oct 2015

Disaster description

Around 13:40 local time (UTC +4:30) on 26 October 2015, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck Badakhshan Province in the north-east region of Afghanistan. According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the quake’s epicentre was 82 km southeast of Feyzabad in the Hindu Kush mountain range and 213 km in depth. The quakes impact was felt beyond Afghanistan as damages and casualties have been reported in the western part of Pakistan while minor damage occurred in India. (IFRC, 2 Nov 2015)

Preliminary reports from the Pakistan National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) indicate 272 deaths, 2,152 people injured and 25,367 houses damaged across the country.(IFRC, 3 Nov 2015)

In Afghanistan, Assessment reports indicate 117 deaths, 544 people injured, 12,794 homes damaged and 7,384 houses destroyed. Furthermore, 136,967 people are still in need of humanitarian assistance, of which 131,345 people have received some form of assistance so far date. More than 51,000 people were affected in Badakhshan alone, where property damage was most extensive. The earthquake claimed the most lives and caused the most casualties in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces. Access remains the most significant challenge in providing assistance to people in need and is an issue reaching at least 194 villages affected by the earthquake. (IFRC, 15 Dec 2015)

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