

Like the first edition of the Handbook, this second edition is the production of a truly collaborative effort, with NGOs, refugees, governments and UNHCR staff contributing in different ways. Without the generosity, commitment and expertise of States, NGOs, refugees and others, it could not have taken place. This revised Handbook is the product of close consultation and collaboration among UNHCR staff, States, NGOs and other key actors. The Division of International Protection (DIP) particularly wishes to thank the many UNHCR colleagues and partners around the world who contributed to the Handbook revision process, and provided input and feedback. This revision has been made possible thanks to the support received from the governments of Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States of America under the Emerging Resettlement  Countries Joint Support Mechanism (ERCM) 2016-2019 and by the governments of Portugal and United States of America that supported the Sustainable Resettlement and Complementary Pathways Initiative (CRISP).

Thanks to the following  that have assisted in updating content:


  1. Arc International
  1. Babel 
  1. British Refugee Council
  1. Centre for Victims of Torture
  1. European Disability Forum
  1. Facilitating Resettlement and Refugee Admission through New Knowledge - EU-FRANK
  1. Forcibly Displaced People Network (FDPN)
  1. Foundation House
  1. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
  1. Helen Bamber Foundation
  1. Help Age
  1. Humanity and Inclusion
  1. Immigrant Services Society of BC
  1. Independent Living Institute Sweden
  1. International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) Europe
  1. International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
  1. International Rescue Committee (IRC)
  1. Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN)
  1. Pharos
  1. Settlement Services International (SSI)
  1. Welcoming International, an initiative of Welcoming America 


    UNHCR colleagues coordinating the update:

    1. Angela Murru, Senior Protection Officer

    2. Davina Gateley Said, Resettlement and Complementary Pathways Officer


      2002 Edition 

      We would also like to acknowledge the work of the contributors of the first edition of the Handbook. This task was coordinated by Ms Deborah DeWinter and Mr Michael Casasola (UNHCR, Canada) with the support and guidance of Ms Judith Kumin (UNHCR, Canada). The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture, Melbourne, Australia assumed responsibility for drafting and production of the Handbook. Particular thanks are due to Mr Paris Aristotle (Project Manager), Ms Sue McGrillen (research and executive support) and Ms Kim Webster (research and drafting). The first edition of the Handbook was supported by an international Task Force with representatives from refugee communities and governmental and non-governmental agencies in many countries of resettlement, including:

      International Task Force:
      1. Judi Altinkaya, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of ESOL Home Tutor Schemes (Inc.), New Zealand  
      2. Paris Aristotle, Director, The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture, Australia  
      3. Martha Arroyo Contreras, National Coordinator of Social Services, Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid, Spain  
      4. Fariborz Birjandian, Executive Director, Calgary Catholic Immigration Society, Canada  
      5. Michael Casasola, Resettlement Officer, UNHCR, Canada 
      6. Nancy Crabtree, Performance Support Consultant, Refugees Branch, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canada  
      7. Janet Dench, Executive Director, Canadian Council for Refugees, Canada  
      8. Teresa Hadzic, Resettlement Assistant, UNHCR, Canada  
      9. Sean Henderson, Projects Manager, Refugee Services, New Zealand Immigration Service, New Zealand  
      10. Susan Krehbiel, Resettlement Specialist, UNHCR, Argentina  
      11. Anne la Cour Vagen, Head of Section, Asylum Department, Danish Refugee Council, Denmark  
      12. Henry Martenson, Project Coordinator, European Council for Refugees and Exiles, United Kingdom  
      13. Jessica Menchions-Barry, Program Officer, Refugees Branch, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canada  
      14. Berta Romero, Coordinator, Refugee Council, USA  
      15. Erik Stenström, Legal Counsellor, Swedish Integration Board (Integrationsverket), Sweden  
      16. Pindie Stephen, Coordinator, Cultural Orientation, Africa Project, International Organisation for Migration, Kenya  
      17. Marie Sullivan, Manager, Refugee Services, New Zealand Immigration Service, New Zealand  
      18. Jorge Vuskovic, Programme Coordinator, Vicaria De Pastoral Social, Chile  
      19. KaYing Yang, Executive Director, Southeast Asia Resource Action Center, USA 
      Individual chapters were developed in consultation with subject matter experts from the Task Force as well as other international experts, including:

      1. Myrna Ann Adkins, Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning, USA  
      2. Jane Bloom, RefugeeWorks, USA  
      3. Jeff Chenoweth, Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc (CLINIC), D.C., USA  
      4. Tom Denton, Canadian Council for Refugees and Manitoba Refugee Sponsor, Canada  
      5. Sat Devi, Adult Multicultural Education Services Victoria, Australia  
      6. Kathy Earp, Adult Multicultural Education Services Victoria, Australia  
      7. Dr Elizabeth Ferris, World Council of Churches, Switzerland  
      8. Kate Hilton Hayward, Immigration and Refugee Services of America, USA  
      9. Dr Ida Kaplan, The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture, Australia  
      10. Kathleen McKenzie, Director of Refugee Education, Lutheran Social Services of North East Florida, USA  
      11. Pat Marshall, UNHCR, Canada  
      12. Sylvie Moreau, Resettlement Specialist (formerly Benin and Burkina Faso)  
      13. Susan Schmidt, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, USA  
      14. Dr Laura Simich, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Canada  
      15. Amy Slaughter, Resettlement Consultant UNHCR, Switzerland  
      16. Tracey Spack, Health Canada (formerly Refugees Branch, Citizenship and Immigration Canada), Canada  
      17. Barbara Treviranus, Refugee Sponsorship Training Program, Canada