Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Rainfall Performance:
The county experienced off season rains ranging 1-2 days of moderate to light showers in the 1st and 2nd dekad of the month under review with poor distribution in both time and space.
Vegetation Condition:
The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) across the County is worsening during the month under review attributed to below normal rains during the season. The County 3-month Vegetation Condition Index for the month is 22.36 an indicative of moderate vegetation condition greenness.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production Indicators:
In-Migration of Livestock from Baringo, Samburu and Isiolo County was observed during the month while livestock movement within Laikipia County to other wards and even outside the County was common.
Livestock body condition is fair to good during the period under review. Milk production is below average and declining at household level. No major livestock diseases were reported during the month.
Access indicators:
The terms of trade have slightly improved from previous month but still below the long-term average due to improved Goat prices and stable maize price.
Household and livestock watering distance have increased during the month due to drying up of open water sources and declining water in rivers across the County.
Livestock prices are within the normal range during the month under review.
Utilization indicators:
• Household’s food consumption score is acceptable for MF zones while majority in MMF and Pastoral zones are in moderate FCS. MUAC for the children under-five is improving.
• MUAC for the children under-five years is below the longterm average and slightly improving during the month.