Uganda: Ebola Outbreak - Sep 2022

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The health authorities in Uganda today declared an outbreak of Ebola after a case of the relatively rare Sudan strain was confirmed in Mubende district in the central part of the country. The Uganda Virus Research Institute confirmed the case after testing a sample taken from a 24-year-old male. This follows an investigation by the National Rapid Response team of six suspicious deaths that have occurred in the district this month. There are currently eight suspected cases who are receiving care in a health facility. (WHO, 20 Sep 2022)

So far, seven cases, including one death, have been confirmed to have contracted the Sudan ebolavirus – one of the six species of the Ebolavirus genus. Forty-three contacts have been identified and 10 people suspected to have caught the virus are receiving treatment at the regional referral hospital in Mubende, the district where the disease was confirmed this week, making it the first time Uganda has detected the Sudan ebolavirus since 2012. (WHO, 22 Sep 2022)

On 19 September 2022, the Uganda Virus Research Institute released results of a confirmed Ebola Sudan case. This is a 24-year male from Mubende district. Preliminary investigations of this event conducted by the National Rapid Response Team between 17-18 September revealed six other suspected deceased cases recorded between 1-15 September in the same district. As of 25 September, a total of 36 cases including 18 confirmed and 18 probable cases have been reported, with 23 deaths (CFR 64%). Three districts have so far been affected: Mubende, the epicentre (32 cases), Kyegegwa (3 confirmed cases) and Kassanda (1 confirmed case). Almost 67% of cases are females and 37% are aged below 20 years. Thirty five patients are currently in admission including 22 suspected and 13 confirmed cases. A total of 399 contacts have been listed with a 26% follow-up rate in the past 24hrs. (WHO, 25 Sep 2022)

From 19 September to 13 November 2022, a cumulative number of 140 laboratory-confirmed and 22 probable cases have been reported. Seventy-seven (77) fatalities have been registered of which 55 were confirmed cases, an overall case fatality ratio of 47.5%, and 39.3% among confirmed cases. Men (57.5%) are slightly more affected than women, and the most affected age groups are 20-29 years, and 30-39 years. The under-five represent less than 10% of cases. Nineteen (19) healthcare worker infections have so far been notified, of whom seven (36.8%) have died. A total of 69 recoveries have been registered giving a recovery rate of 49.3%. Two new Districts have been affected over the past two weeks, one each in week 44 (Masaka) and week 45 (Jinja), bringing to nine the total number of affected Districts. More than half of the cases, (51.2%) have been reported in Mubende (64 confirmed and 19 probable), followed by Kassanda with 30.9% (48 confirmed and two probable), Kampala (17 confirmed; 10.5%), Kyegegwa (four confirmed; 2.5%), Wakiso (three confirmed; 1.9%), Jinja (one confirmed and one probable; 1.2%), Bunyangabu (one confirmed; 0.6%), Kagadi (one confirmed; 0.6%), and Masaka (one confirmed; 0.6%). (WHO, 18 Nov 2022)

As of 4 December 2022, the country marks 79 days of response to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak since the first case was confirmed on 20th September 2022. The current Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) among confirmed cases is 55/142 (39%). The Ministry of Health (MoH) now reports 142 confirmed cases, 55 confirmed deaths, 87 recoveries, and 19 infections among healthcare workers1 since the start of the outbreak. No reported EVD cases in refugee settlements and all reinstated EVD prevention measures remain in place. (WFP, 4 Jan 2023)

Uganda today declared the end of the Ebola disease outbreak caused by Sudan ebolavirus, less than four months after the first case was confirmed in the country's central Mubende district on 20 September 2022. It was the country's first Sudan ebolavirus outbreak in a decade and its fifth overall for this kind of Ebola. In total there were 162 cases (142 confirmed and 22 probable), 55 confirmed deaths and 87 recovered patients. More than 4000 people who came in contact with confirmed cases were followed up and their health monitored for 21 days. Overall, the case-fatality ratio was 47%. The last patient was released from care on 30 November when the 42-day countdown to the end of the outbreak began.(WHO, 11 Jan 2023)

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