
Venezuela: Humanitarian Response Plan 2022 - 2023 (August 2022)


Part 1:

Response Plan Overview


REQUIREMENTS (US$) - 2022 $795M



The 2022-2023 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) provides the framework for action in Venezuela and aims to respond to the priorities established and presented in the plan. It focuses on providing assistance and strengthening the provision of essential services, livelihoods, and protection, as prioritized by level of vulnerability.

According to the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (ECLAC) estimates, 2021 saw Venezuela close a cycle of accelerated recession following a cumulative contraction of 75 per cent in the last eight years. While in 2022 the economy is expected to grow, it will take time for this to result in significant improvements in access to basic services, restored livelihoods, and reduced protection risks.

Thus, the HRP seeks to address the most pressing needs by focusing on six priority areas: public health, nutrition, food security and livelihoods, human mobility, protection risks, the provision of and access to services, and access to education.

The multi-year plan’s activities and projects also seek to build capacities at the institutional, community, and individual levels to improve the provision of essential services, restore livelihoods, and strengthen resilience and the capacity to recover of the most vulnerable people. This is particularly important in a context where the economy stabilized in 2021 and moderate growth is expected for 2022. The focus of the HRP, as outlined in the sectoral plans, seeks to promote the link between humanitarian action and development, including actions that may help Venezuela achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With its focus on assisting the most vulnerable population, humanitarian action is an instrument that contributes to sustainable development under the fundamental premise of leaving no one behind.

The HRP 2022-2023 has been developed under the framework of the UN General Assembly Resolution 46/182, that respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity and national unity of States, with assistance provided in line with the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, independence and neutrality. In this regard, all the humanitarian organizations that are part of the Plan are committed to the Joint Operating Principles for Venezuela (see annex) and the national legal framework. The humanitarian response places the most vulnerable population at its center and considers the needs differentiated by age group, gender, and diversity.

This document has been prepared by the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG), under the supervision of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). It is based on consultations since the end of 2021 with the authorities of the Government of Venezuela, as well as other key stakeholders.

Based on demonstrated operational capacity, HRP partners will seek to assist 5.2 million people over the next two years, including 50 per cent women and girls and 50 per cent men and boys. Children and adolescents represent 40 per cent of the target population. Most of the plan’s activities will take place in eight states: Amazonas, Apure, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro, Falcon, Miranda, Sucre, and Zulia. The geographic prioritization will be revised periodically and coordinated with the national authorities.

Giving continuity to the previous HRPs, the three strategic objectives of the 2022-2023 plan are:1) contribute to the well-being of the prioritized population by age group, gender, and diversity through a multisectoral humanitarian response and with a rights-based approach; 2) reduce vulnerability and strengthen recovery capacities and resilience of the prioritized population by age group, gender, and diversity; and, 3) strengthen institutional and community mechanisms to prevent, mitigate, and respond to the protection risks of the prioritized population. These three objectives will be promoted in line with humanitarian principles, a rights-based approach and gender equality.

Additionally, the HRP will seek to promote preparedness, risk mitigation, and response to natural or man-made disasters. In 2021, Venezuela experienced heavy rains and floods that affected some 95 municipalities. With forecasts that climate change will continue to affect weather patterns, there is a need to complement the State’s efforts, both in response to these situations and in building capacity for preparedness and risk mitigation, integrating gender and intersectoral approaches.

The 2022-2023 HRP seeks to achieve these objectives through 145 projects carried out by 125 organizations (United Nations agencies and national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs)). These work in a coordinated manner through eight Clusters and two Areas of Responsibility (AoR), under the leadership of the HCT, and in coordination with the national authorities and in line with the national legal framework.

Implementing these projects requires mobilizing US$795 million in 2022. Efforts are ongoing with the donor community to facilitate resource mobilization and rapidly increase funding for the response. The plan´s implementation also requires maximum support from and coordination with the authorities to increase its impact.

The HRP´s objectives and approach will be the basis for the response in 2022 and 2023, with an update of the plan scheduled for the end of 2022 to revise the projects and financial requirements for 2023, considering possible changes in the context.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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