Sao Tome and Principe

WFP Sao Tome and Principe Country Brief, October 2022


In Numbers

No food assistance distributed

USD 2.3 million six-month (November 2022 - April 2023) net funding requirements

1,932 people assisted in October 2022

Operational Updates

  • In October, with the support of WFP, the Government initiated the last portion of the emergency assistance, aiming at livelihoods recovery, to the 1,500 households affected by the floods in December 2021 and March 2022. Technical teams from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (MAPDR) delivered pigs and chicken to 53 animal breeders in Cantagalo and Lembá districts; distributed seeds and agricultural inputs to 400 smallholder farmers in Me-Zochi, Cantagalo and Lobata districts; and assisted 30, smallholder farmers, with 18,600 vegetable plants, in the districts of MeZochi and Lobata. These activities were closely monitored by WFP .

  • On 12 October, WFP hosted a meeting of the UN Rome-Based Agencies (RBAs) - WFP, IFAD, and FAO - to review a concept note aiming to help unlock the potential of home-grown school feeding to transform local food systems and support pandemic recovery, through South-South Collaboration and Triangular Cooperation. The RBAs agreed on full project proposal development and resource mobilization strategy.

  • On 14 October, FAO and WFP delivered agricultural materials and horticultural plants to Agostinho Neto School, in Lobata district, in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture. In an act to mark the World Food Day celebrations, WFP offered 40 cassava cuttings and 400 sweet potato branches, to be cultivated at the school’s community garden, ensuring fresh vegetables from farming to the table of schoolchildren in several schools of this district.

  • On 31 October, the MAPDR facilitated a meeting with FAO and WFP, aiming at bridging both agencies’ crisis responses, to ensure accurate beneficiary targeting and complementarity as WFP emergency assistance is on its end phase and FAO should initiate soon.