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Log In with Humanitarian ID

ReliefWeb now requires user log-in via Humanitarian ID (HID) only. Users who previously accessed ReliefWeb with an HID account can continue to do so.

If you do not have an HID account, or are unsure if you have one, read the information below.

Users who tried to reset their password and did not receive an email, follow option #2.

  1. You do not have an HID account but have a ReliefWeb account: Create an HID account with the same email address as your ReliefWeb account. Check your inbox and verify your HID account. Return to ReliefWeb and login with your new HID account.
  2. You are unsure you have an HID account: Try logging in at Humanitarian ID. If you can't access it, create an HID account. Check your inbox and verify your HID account. Don’t forget to check your spam folder as well! Return to ReliefWeb and login with your new HID account.

See the HID FAQ page if you have questions or encounter any problems.