Hungary + 1 more

Country-level Inter-agency refugee coordination forum (RCF) - Hungary, Terms of Reference


Background & Scope

After the large-scale refugee outflow from Ukraine in neighboring countries, a Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP) was developed at the regional level to establish a joint planning and coordination platform and tool to respond in a coordinated manner to the emergency. The regional RRP contributes to and results from the application of the Refugee Coordination Model (RCM) designed to ensure accountable, inclusive, predictable, and transparent coordination in responding to refugee situations.

At regional level, the coordination of the regional RRP is chaired by UNHCR Regional Bureau for Europe, aiming at ensuring a coherent and complementary response provided by all inter-agency partners involved at regional and country level.

At country level, the Inter-agency Refugee Coordination Forum (RCF) is established to ensure the development and implementation of the regional RRP Country Chapters reflecting the coordination systems in countries impacted by the refugee influx from Ukraine. The RCF is chaired by the Senior Interagency Coordination Officer and works with all partners, including sector-level working coordination groups, to ensure a coordinated multi-sectoral response to the refugee situation.