Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which started on 24 February, has caused widespread death, destruction, displacement and suffering, and left at least 17.6 million people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance and protection. They include 6.3 million internally displaced people (IDPs), 6.9 million...
ReliefWeb Topics

Global Humanitarian Overview 2022
In 2022, 274 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection. This number is a significant increase from 235 million people a year ago, which was already the highest figure in decades. The United Nations and partner organizations aim to assist 183 million people most in need across...

COVID-19 Global
COVID-19 Global is the hub page for all ReliefWeb's coverage on the COVID-19 Pandemic, focusing on the countries with humanitarian situations.

América Latina y el Caribe
En esta sección se puede encontrar todo el contenido que ReliefWeb publica sobre la región de América Latina y el Caribe. El contenido incluye informes, mapas, vacantes, capacitación y desastres. La mayoría del contenido es publicado en español, pero también existen documentos en francés e inglés.

Cash and Voucher Assistance
Cash transfer programming refers to all programmes where cash (or vouchers for goods or services) is provided directly to affected people to meet one or several basic humanitarian needs. Evidence indicates that cash is almost universally preferred by beneficiaries, and that it can be an effective...

Humanitarian Leadership
In challenging times and despite rising needs, the humanitarian system continues to save and transform lives. Strong leadership by the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinators plays a crucial part in this. Humanitarian leaders must act quickly and impartially while keeping a focus on...

Data Responsibility Working Group (DRWG)
The Data Responsibility Working Group (DRWG) is a global coordination body working to advance data responsibility across the humanitarian system. It brings together a diverse group of stakeholders including United Nations (UN) entities, other International Organizations (IOs), Non-Governmental...

IASC Result Group 1/Sub-Group on Localization Online Repository
The overall objective of IASC Results Group 1 sub-group on localization is to support efforts to operationalize localisation, including the representation of national and local organisations in coordination structures. IASC Results Group 1 sub-group on localization was established by IASC RG 1 on...

Sahel (Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali)
La violence et l’insécurité ont atteint des niveaux sans précédent dans certaines régions du Burkina Faso, du Mali et de l’ouest du Niger. L’impact sur les personnes affectées est dramatique. Le conflit croissant menace des vies et des moyens de subsistance, aggrave l’insécurité alimentaire et la...

Education in Emergencies
One in four of the world’s school-age children - more than 500 million - lives in countries affected by humanitarian crises such as conflicts, natural disasters and disease outbreaks. About 75 million children are either already missing out on their education, receiving poor quality schooling or at...

Crisis de protección en la región Norte de Centroamérica / Protection Crisis in Northern Central America
La región Norte de Centroamérica (El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras) enfrenta una situación humanitaria y una crisis de protección como resultado de los crecientes niveles de violencia e inseguridad causados principalmente por grupos vinculados a actividades criminales. Esta violencia se dirige a...

Lake Chad Basin Crisis/Crise du bassin du lac Tchad
Violent conflicts continue to fuel large-scale suffering in north-east Nigeria and parts of Niger, Chad and Cameroon in the Lake Chad region, leading to massive internal and cross-border displacement, destruction of livelihoods, property, and human rights abuses, as well as disruption of government...

Refugees/Migrants - South-East Asia
In 2015, mixed maritime movements in South-East Asia were characterized by two distinct phases: from January to May, when the volume crossing the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea was significantly greater than during the same period in previous years; and from June to December, when such movements all...

Humanitarian Crises in Southern and Eastern Africa
Two years after the prolonged 2016/2017 drought in Eastern and Southern Africa, livelihoods in the region continue to be affected, particularly in pastoral areas. In April 2019, FEWS NET released an alert detailing the poor progress of the March to June 2019 Gu/long rains season in East Africa and...

Refugees/Migrants Emergency - Europe
At least 1,146 people died attempting to reach Europe by sea in the first six months of 2021 according to a new briefing released today by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Deaths along these routes more than doubled so far this year compared to the same period in 2020, when 513...

Understanding how crises affect women and men, girls and boys of different ages and disparities is critical to effective humanitarian preparedness and response. Women, girls, boys and men have distinct needs, priorities, responsibilities, limitations and protection needs. They are exposed to...

Humanitarian Financing
This topic includes reports and resources on a wide range of issues related to humanitarian financing such as accountability and transparency, partnerships, funding mechanisms and relevant policy discussions.

Safety & Security
This page brings together the most relevant information on aid worker safety and security from ReliefWeb's extensive collection of humanitarian content. The two main columns show substantive reports such as safety manuals and guidelines, statistical reports on security incidents involving aid...

This page includes humanitarian content on issues related to health such as emergency medical services, equipment and supplies, including reproductive health, nutrition, psychosocial support, health education, mobile medical clinics and disease control. We recently created a section for COVID-19...