In Numbers
447.4 mt of food distributed
US$ 14 m six months (September 2022 - January 2023) net funding requirements, representing 64% of total requirements.
426,000 people targeted in 2022
Operational Context
Lesotho is a small mountainous landlocked country with a population of 2.2 million people. About 57 percent of Lesotho’s population live on less than one dollar per day. The population’s high vulnerability is exacerbated by a low performing economy and recurring climatic hazards, including droughts, floods and early frost. Twenty-nine percent of people below the age of 35 are unemployed. The country is also characterized by a high HIV prevalence rate (25.6 percent: 30.4 percent for women and 20.8 for men ages 18 - 35), with care needed for more than 250,000 orphaned children, most of whom lost their parents to AIDS. Life expectancy stands at 49 years. Agriculture, which contributes seven percent of GDP, is a major source of livelihood for 80 percent of the population living in rural areas. WFP supports the Government’s efforts in building the resilience of communities frequently affected by climatic hazards, with the view to stimulating agricultural production. WFP has been present in Lesotho since 1962.