Strategic partner: Sweden has made outstanding contributions to international refugee protection over the past decades.
Important donor: Sweden is a large contributor of unearmarked funding, which enables UNHCR to address critical humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable refugees.
Solid national system: Sweden has awell-established asylum system, long standing commitment to refugee resettlement and comprehensive integration programmes.
Swedish EU Presidency
Sweden holds the EU Presidency during the first half of 2023. Sweden intends to advance the negotiations on the Pact on Migration and Asylum in accordance with the agreement between the institutions to conclude negotiations during the current parliamentary term.UNHCR has welcomed the focus on advancing negotiations on the Pact.
Recognition rate Afghan women
The Swedish Migration Agency has decided to systematically grant women and girls from Afghanistan asylum. In light of the increasingly restrictive measures imposed by the de facto authorities on women and girls in Afghanistan in violation of their human rights, UNHCR considers that Afghanwomen and girls are likely to be in need of international refugee protection.
900 resettlement places
For 2023, Sweden has reduced the annual places offered for resettlement of refugees from 5,000 to 900.