RWLabs opens doors to innovation

Over the past couple of years, we have used our Labs to test new ideas and products for ReliefWeb. It's in this space that we have seen, for example, the growth of our API or the Video section.

api videos

At the same time, we saw a significant increase in activity related to humanitarian innovation, indicating that innovation has become central to the humanitarian community. It's a pity not to share the great innovative work we come across, so we're expanding ReliefWeb Labs to showcase resources on humanitarian innovation, including news, global reports, lessons learned, job openings, trainings, social media and videos.


On our part, we'll continue to test ideas for ReliefWeb products to address challenges related to humanitarian information and technology. We'd also like to invite our partners to share their projects and initiatives with the larger humanitarian community on ReliefWeb Labs. Let us know if you are interested.

For further information and updates, sign up to the Labs mailing list or follow ReliefWebLabs on Twitter.

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