Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery


The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) is a multi-donor partnership that supports low and middle-income countries to understand, manage, and reduce their risks from natural hazards and climate change. Established in 2006, GFDRR is uniquely positioned to scale the resilience agenda in these countries by providing funding and expertise for policy advice on improving disaster risk management (DRM) at national and local levels, as it relates to land use, building codes, public health, transport, and education, agriculture, environmental protection, energy, water resources management, poverty reduction, fiscal risk management, and climate change adaptation, among others. This advice, in the context of the World Bank’s policy-based lending, creates both technical capacity and financial incentives that enables formalization of policy changes for improved DRM. The Program Management Unit, located within the World Bank, manages grant resources to carry out GFDRR’s mission.

