FAQs for Information Seekers
- What is ReliefWeb?
- Does ReliefWeb provide financial and in-kind aid?
- How can I volunteer after a natural disaster occurs?
- How can I donate to support relief efforts in a crisis or disaster?
- Why does ReliefWeb not cover some disasters?
- How accurate/reliable is the information on ReliefWeb?
- How is the information organized on ReliefWeb?
- How can I use the search on ReliefWeb?
- Can I use or reprint reports, maps or infographics found on ReliefWeb?
- Can I subscribe to ReliefWeb information products and services?
- Can I create an RSS feed from ReliefWeb?
- How can I add content to my bookmarks?
- How can I find a job advertisement on ReliefWeb?
- Where do I send my CV to apply for a job?
- How can I find suitable training opportunities?
- How can I access my ReliefWeb account and what is Humanitarian ID?
FAQs for Information Publishers
- What type of content does ReliefWeb post?
- How can I share content with ReliefWeb?
- How do I fix an error in my report after it is published?
- Can I submit a blog to ReliefWeb?
- Can I promote a campaign or an event on ReliefWeb?
- How can I publish a job advertisement on ReliefWeb?
- How do I update, edit or remove a job post?
- How can I publish a training opportunity on ReliefWeb?
- How do I make changes to, update or edit my training post?
- Can I view analytics for the content my organization provided?
- How can I access my ReliefWeb account and what is Humanitarian ID?
FAQs for Information Seekers
What is ReliefWeb?
Read about our mandate and our history in our About page.
Does ReliefWeb provide financial and in-kind aid?
No. ReliefWeb provides free information services, but no financial or in-kind aid.
How can I volunteer after a natural disaster occurs?
You can find volunteer opportunities in our Jobs section. You can also see which organizations are reporting on the disaster pages and contact them directly.
How can I donate to support relief efforts in a crisis or disaster?
The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) is one of the fastest ways to get urgent aid to the world's most vulnerable people whenever and wherever a crisis hits. CERF pools contributions from across the globe into a single fund and allocates money at the most critical phase of an emergency.
You can also consider donating to one of the OCHA-managed Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs).
Why does ReliefWeb not cover some disasters?
ReliefWeb typically covers severe disasters in countries with high vulnerability, and/or issue a call for international assistance. One of the main objectives of our platform is to provide information on humanitarian crises to raise awareness and mobilize resources for relief activities.
How accurate/reliable is the information on ReliefWeb?
Before publication on ReliefWeb, the information submitted goes through a thorough editorial process. While we do our best to guarantee the reliability of the content published on our platform, we invite you to read the general Terms and Conditions, the Jobs Terms and Conditions and the Trainings Terms and Conditions. If you suspect any fraudulent jobs, please see the page on fraudulent or fake jobs to see what you can do, or the page on training fraud if you doubt the authenticity of any training advertisement.
How is the information organized on ReliefWeb?
To make it easier for our users to find the content they are looking for, our editorial team classifies each report with information markers, such as themes, disaster type, vulnerable groups, content format, etc. See more on ReliefWeb taxonomy at Humanitarian Terms.
How can I use the search on ReliefWeb?
ReliefWeb lists of content for Updates, Jobs, Training and Disasters offer three different options for searching through the content: free text search, search through filters and extended search. For more information on how to use the search options, visit the search help page
Can I use or reprint reports, maps or infographics found on ReliefWeb?
ReliefWeb republishes content from partner organizations and attribution is prominently displayed as "source". You should respect the intellectual property rights of the original source and contact them directly if you want to re-use their content. If you click the source name in the report/map/infographic, you will be directed to a source page which lists the URL of the main website of the source. See also Map and Infographic Permission.
Can I subscribe to ReliefWeb information products and services?
ReliefWeb offers two type of subscriptions: you can subscribe to ReliefWeb blog or you can activate email notifications when new content is published.
To subscribe to the ReliefWeb blog, fill in your email address on the footer of ReliefWeb ina ny page of the website.
To unsubscribe, click on the unsubscribe link on any of the received emails.
You can also subscribe to email notifications from ReliefWeb. To activate, please register or log in to ReliefWeb account via Humanitarian ID. Next, go to "My Account" > "Manage your subscriptions". From the drop-down options you can select to receive notifications about headlines, situation reports, maps and infographics, appeals or new disasters. You also have options to receive updates for specific countries and disasters. The system automatically saves your preferences and you should begin to receive your notifications.
If you wish to unsubscribe from ReliefWeb notifications, you can either click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of emails you are subscribed to, or log into your account from /user and deselect checkboxes under “My Account” > "Manage your subscriptions".
Can I create an RSS feed from ReliefWeb?
To create an RSS feed, visit the page that you are interested in. In Updates, Jobs and Training pages, you will see a menu “RSS” at the bottom of the page that will let you copy the URL of the RSS feed. In Country and Disaster pages, go to “View all [Country/disaster name] Updates” to find the “RSS” menu at the bottom of the page. Right-click, or if you are on a touchscreen device, tap and hold, then select Copy to add to your favourite RSS feed reader.
You can also customize your RSS feeds by running a search so that you will receive new items that exactly match your interests. See more at Subscribe to RSS feeds.
How can I add content to my “bookmarks”?
To add an update/job/training to your bookmarks to save it for later, you must first register a ReliefWeb account via Humanitarian ID. Once you are logged in, select “Add to bookmarks” under the social media icons of the content page to save it to your bookmarks. To view your favorites, select "My Account" at the top of the ReliefWeb site and then select the "My bookmarks" tab.
How can I find a job advertisement on ReliefWeb?
To find the job advertisements that best suit your qualifications, you can use the search box at the top of the Jobs page. The search also allows you to build search by selecting filters for criteria such as career category, type, location, the required level of experience. You can also filter for jobs from specific organizations or organization types or those that are within specific humanitarian themes.
You can subscribe to our bi-weekly job notifications Jobs, internships & consultancies by logging in to your ReliefWeb account > “My account” > “Manage your subscriptions”.
You can also perform a filtered job search then copy and bookmark the page, or customize your RSS feeds with filters and/or search.
If you suspect any fraudulent job advertisement, please contact us at jobs@reliefweb.int.
Where do I send my CV to apply for a job?
Follow the instructions in the "how to apply" section of the job advertisement that you are applying for. Application instructions will vary from one job to the other, so make sure you read and follow the instructions accordingly.
Please be aware that ReliefWeb does not accept CVs sent directly to us.
How can I find suitable training opportunities?
Use the search box at the top of the training page (also see Search Help). You can also build the search by applying filters for criteria such as Cost, Format and Registration Deadline.
To receive weekly notifications for a new training listing, please register or log in to your ReliefWeb account via Humanitarian ID. Next, go to "My Account" > "Manage your subscriptions". From the drop-down options you can choose to receive notifications about Training Programs. See also “Can I subscribe to ReliefWeb information products and services”.
If you suspect any fraudulent training advertisement, please contact us at training@reliefweb.int.
How can I access my ReliefWeb account and what is Humanitarian ID?
Starting 1 April 2022, ReliefWeb will ask all users to sign in with Humanitarian ID (HID), an authentication service managed by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. For more information, please see HID's FAQs and our blog post.
FAQs for Information Publishers
What type of content does ReliefWeb post?
ReliefWeb relies on information contributed by numerous organizations. We don’t post submissions from individuals, nor do we accept sponsored material. We welcome documents relevant to understanding humanitarian crises from a variety of sources, including NGOs, UN agencies, Governments, think-tanks and the media. We publish situation reports, appeals, assessments, evaluations and lessons-learned, manuals and guidelines, policy documents, analyses, press releases, maps and infographics, among others. We also publish job vacancies and training courses that are useful to the humanitarian community. We always clearly attribute content to the original sources when posting to ReliefWeb with original URLs where they exist. Also see our Terms & Conditions
How can I share content with ReliefWeb?
To submit content that meets the criteria indicated above, do the following:
Reports, press releases, maps & infographics > Send your content to submit@reliefweb.int
Jobs, internships & consultancies > Log in to your ReliefWeb account > Post a job vacancy. See "How can I publish a job advertisement on ReliefWeb?" for more details.
Training opportunities > Log in to your ReliefWeb account > Post a training announcement. See "How can I publish a training opportunity on ReliefWeb?" for more details.
Please note that ReliefWeb does not charge a fee for publishing information and that all submissions are reviewed by ReliefWeb staff and will be considered based on ReliefWeb's mandate and editorial principles. Reports that meet our editorial guidelines will typically be published within a day.
How do I fix an error in my report after it is published?
To request changes to reports or maps or to have them removed from ReliefWeb, please send an email to submit@reliefweb.int. Our team monitors this account 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Can I submit a blog to ReliefWeb?
As of now, we only publish blog posts from ReliefWeb staff. Consider joining the ReliefWeb LinkedIn Discussion Group where members can post information and discuss humanitarian topics and issues.
Can I promote a campaign or an event on ReliefWeb?
A messaging space is available to the humanitarian partners on the ReliefWeb homepage. Please note we do not promote commercial products or paid events. See the conditions for submission.
How can I publish a job advertisement on ReliefWeb?
Posting jobs on ReliefWeb is a free service to the humanitarian community. To submit a job advertisement to ReliefWeb you must first register an account via the Humanitarian ID Registration Page. Once you have a ReliefWeb account, please use our Submission form for jobs.
Please note that jobs are posted according to the ReliefWeb mandate, which requires that hiring organizations are involved in tasks relevant to sectors of humanitarian response and that no fees are incurred by the job applicants. Jobs that are accepted for publication will generally be posted on the ReliefWeb site within two working days after submission. Read more in Jobs Terms and Conditions.
To ensure higher visibility, it is important for job advertisements to be tagged with correct taxonomy provided in the submission form. Tips and instructions on how to create effective job advertisements and select the appropriate tags can be found in our blog post. For full details on the tags, see our Taxonomy Descriptions.
ReliefWeb offers job advertisers to automate jobs posting via a single posting form through RSS or XML feeds. Read more in our blog post on Job Posting Automation.
How do I update, edit or remove a job post?
To make changes to or remove your job listing, log in to your account and go to “My account” > “View Your Posts”, where you will see a list of jobs that you have posted and their status. To remove a job that has been published, click the job title > Edit > scroll down to the bottom of the form to click on the "Close Job" button.
If you have further questions or requests (such as changes to your organization's name or a follow up on submitted job ads), please get in touch with us at jobs@reliefweb.int referencing your JOB ID#, if available, to expedite the process.
How can I publish a training opportunity on ReliefWeb?
Posting of training opportunities on ReliefWeb is a free service to the humanitarian community. As per our revised guidelines, all advertisements must be targeted specifically at humanitarians and have course content directly relevant to humanitarian professionals. To post an advertisement for a new training course, check the Training Terms and Conditions and visit our add training page.
It is important for your training advertisement to be tagged correctly with taxonomy provided in the submission form in order for users to be able to discover relevant training opportunities. For instructions on how to best tag your ad, read our blog post on making it easier for training providers. For full details on what the tags mean, please see our Taxonomy Descriptions.
Training advertisements are generally published within one or two working days. In some cases, further checks may be necessary to verify the activities and humanitarian relevance of the organization.
To check the current status of a training opportunity you have submitted, log into your ReliefWeb account > "My Account" > “View Your Posts”. If you have a query on a training course that has not been published you can contact us at training@reliefweb.int.
How do I make changes to, update or edit my training post?
In the header of the ReliefWeb site select “My account” > “View Your Posts”, and you will see the list of training opportunities that you have posted and their status.
To change the registration deadline or start/end dates, please change the date and click "Publish". The updated advertisement will remain published. For further modifications in the text body, title or other areas please make the required changes and click "Submit changes" your updated post will then be reviewed by editors before publishing. You can also copy an existing ad you have posted, which is useful when you have identical courses that take place in multiple locations or multiple times. It will save you time and expedite the revision process on our side. To copy an ad, simply go to a previously-published ad and press "Make a copy of this advertisement" on the top right.
Can I view analytics for the content my organization provided?
ReliefWeb provides content partners with access to Google Analytics so that they can analyze the metrics for the content that they have provided. To obtain access, please link your organization’s email account with a Google account (instructions - Use an existing email address section). Once completed, please, fill in this form so we can grant you access to the ReliefWeb analytics.
How can I access my ReliefWeb account and what is Humanitarian ID?
Starting 1 April 2022, ReliefWeb will ask all users to sign in with Humanitarian ID (HID), an authentication service managed by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. For more information, please see HID's FAQs and our blog post.