Ukraine + 11 more

IOM 2023 Appeal for Ukraine and Neighbouring countries


The war in Ukraine has triggered one of the largest humanitarian crises on record with over 19.5 million people affected by various forms of displacement as of December 2022. This includes 5.4 million people who are displaced within Ukraine, and another 8 million refugees who have fled across borders since the start of the war and 627,205 border crossings by third country nationals (TCNs). An estimated 5.5 million people have returned to their areas of origin, including from abroad. As the crisis continues to evolve, displacement patterns continue to change. Flexibility to support previously trapped people in newly accessible areas, and to address new and secondary displacements and returning people with humanitarian assistance, remains at the forefront of the response, guided by data gathered though the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and Government partners.

IOM’s appeal for Ukraine and neighbouring countries seeks to mobilize 1 billion USD in order to meet the needs of crisis affected people inside Ukraine and within neighbouring countries including Belarus, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia and other states providing refuge to Ukrainians and TCNs. The Appeal targets almost 7.2 million people including internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, trapped people, host communities and TCNs, as well as over 573 entities ranging from partner ministries to health facilities in the region, at the national and sub-national levels.

IOM’s overarching priorities include the dignity, safety and protection of vulnerable conflict affected people and the provision of quality services across a comprehensive set of sectors. IOM will implement a multi-sector humanitarian response, working closely with Government partners and local authorities to respond. IOM’s approach is aligned with the humanitarian-development-peace-nexus and IOM’s Global Strategic Vision to set the stage for transitional opportunities that enable medium and longer-term interventions, particularly for community infrastructure and services, and support for livelihoods and economic resilience, with the goal of enabling agency and facilitating durable solutions.