Funds Sent To: Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD)
Amount Sent: US$ 40,500
Date: 22 December 2009
Details of Response
Emergency: Earthquake and Cyclone in Malawi
Date of Emergency: 20 December 2009
Implementing Member/Partner:
Churches Action in Relief and Development
Evangelical Development Service (ELDS)
Synod of Livingstonia - Development Department
The Karonga district in the northern region of Malawi was affected with a series of earthquakes. The tremor started on 23 November, continued from the 6-12 December and culminated on 20 December with a seismic activity of 6.0 on Richter scale. Three people died and 179 were seriously injured and admitted in government hospitals. In addition 16,512 people have lost their homes and are now crammed in tents with no food, safe sanitation, fresh water and medicine. Many public institutions have been closed as a consequence of the earthquake and as a measure of precaution.
During the same period, the districts of Chikwawa and Thyolo in the southern region of Malawi, have been hit by a cyclone and rainstorm that has damaged numerous houses and have devastated harvest. In Chikwawa 945 households have been affected which are approximately 5,200 people. In Thyolo, 42 households have been heavily affected translating into 231 people who are in dire need of immediate assistance.