As Afghanistan continues to face extraordinary challenges, we persevere in our mission to foster change that saves, protects and transforms lives.
This Annual Report demonstrates the impact World Vision Afghanistan had on children of Afghanistan during the period of October 2021 and September 2022 (FY22).
During this period 1,369,562 people, including 669,694 children, were reached through our interventions.
National Director’s Message
As Afghanistan continues to face extraordinary challenges, we persevere in our mission to foster change that saves, protects and transforms lives.
On behalf of World Vision Afghanistan, I have the great pleasure of sharing with you our impact report for the fiscal year 2022 (FY22).
We are extremely grateful to God for the energy and strength He gave us, enabling our organisation to serve some of the most vulnerable people of the world in 2022 – Afghan children. For most people in Afghanistan, it was another challenging and difficult year living during, what is by many measures, the worst humanitarian crisis in the world; Afghans have been suffering from food insecurity, lack of access to healthcare services, to education, to clean drinking water and lack of well-being in their lives.
Four decades of conflict, unemployment, three consecutive years of drought and economic and political instability are the main drivers of this unprecedented humanitarian crisis.
Despite all this, our team has been firm in their commitment to achieve the overall objectives of the organisation. World Vision Afghanistan remain committed to #stayanddeliver in this beautiful country and to bring smiles to the faces of hundreds of thousands of girls and boys in Afghanistan.
Our programmes and projects benefited more than 1.4 million people, including 700,000 children, in four provinces. Through our interventions from October 2021 to September 2022:
• over 90% decrease reported in the number of food insecure families adopting negative coping strategies, such as sending their children to work, in our targeted areas;
• access to clean drinking water increased from 24.5% to 59% for targeted households;
• more than 80% of children with acute malnutrition in our targeted areas became well-nourished;
• girls’ registration in community-based education classes increased from 5,833 to over 11,162; and
• 13 child early forced marriage cases were resolved by the trained faith leaders.
These achievements would not have been possible without the sincere contribution and commitment of our staff, donors, supporters, partners and stakeholders. On behalf of Afghan people, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your dedication and support to World Vision Afghanistan. Thank you for making it possible. However, our job is not yet finished in Afghanistan.
In fact, the necessary work has barely begun. We need you to stand by us so that we can serve more vulnerable children, their families and their communities. Yet, I fear that the people of Afghanistan face another challenging year ahead. OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) estimate 28.3 million people, 15.2 million of whom are children, will need humanitarian assistance in 2023.
World Vision Afghanistan will commence our three-year strategy in FY23, targeting 2.1 million children out of 2.3 million in our targeted areas. With the commitment of our staff and the generous support of our donors, supporters, partnerships and stakeholders, we will continue transforming the lives of the most vulnerable children.
We will approach the coming year with a renewed commitment to bring fullness to the lives of the most vulnerable girls and boys in Afghanistan as we believe they deserve more than they have right now.
Once again, thank you for believing in our ministry and our ability to transform the lives of the most vulnerable children, their families and their communities by investing your donations and your faith in World Vision Afghanistan.
We believe that with God’s grace, no challenge is too great—our faith continues to sustain us. Thank you for joining with us as we strive for a more just and peaceful world for our one human family. We continue to work for a world where, once again, children can live life in all its fullness.
Asuntha Charles
National Director
World Vision Afghanistan