UNHCR Observations on the proposed amendments to the Icelandic Act on Foreigners
UNHCR Observations on the proposed amendments to the Icelandic Act on Foreigners: Frumvarp til laga um breytingu á lögum um útlendinga, nr. 96 15. maí 2002, með síðari breytingum (kærunefnd, fjölgun nefndarmanna) (Lagt fyrir Alþingi á 145. löggjafarþingi 2015–2016)...
Rising to the Challenge: Improving the Asylum Procedure in Iceland
„Rising to the Challenge: Improving the Asylum Procedure in Iceland“ A lean qualitative initiative by UNHCR in cooperation with the Icelandic Directorate of Immigration Þetta skjal er aðgengilegt á ensku á...
UNHCR Observations on the proposed amendments to the Icelandic Act on Foreigners
UNHCR Observations on the proposed amendments to the Icelandic Act on Foreigners: Frumvarp til laga um breytingu á lögum um útlendinga, nr. 96 15. maí 2002, með síðari breytingum (kærunefnd, fjölgun nefndarmanna) Þetta skjal er aðgengilegt á ensku á...
Observations by UNHCR on the draft Proposal to amend the Foreigner’s Act in Iceland
Observations by the UNHCR Regional Representation for Northern Europe on the draft Proposal to amend the Foreigner’s Act in Iceland („Frumvarp til laga um útlendinga“). Þetta skjal er aðgengilegt á ensku á...
Mapping Statelessness in Iceland
Þetta skjal er aðgengilegt á ensku á...