In Tanzania, UNHCR's Grandi urges more backing for solutions as the country continues to host refugees
High Commissioner urges more donor support for solutions and praises progress in refugee protection in Tanzania.
Rohingya refugees lead response to fire threat in Bangladesh camps
Trained refugee volunteers are the first line of defence against the frequent fires that tear through camps in the dry season.
Refugees samba in Rio's famed Carnival parade to celebrate Brazilian openness
As special guests of the Salgueiro samba school, refugees showed off their fancy footwork and strengthened bonds with the country that has welcomed them.
Brick by brick: Students' policy ideas to help refugees make their way to the real UN
Eleven years on, mounting challenges push many displaced Syrians to the brink
New book explores past, present and future of protecting people forced to flee
States urged to build on progress made since Global Refugee Forum
Increased responsibility sharing by governments is key to maintaining momentum in finding new approaches to global displacement, UNHCR's Grandi tells officials.
A new approach to refugee integration bears fruit in Rwanda
Two years after the Global Refugee Forum, Rwanda shows how inclusive policies in education and livelihoods are unlocking the potential of refugees and their hosts.
Forum seeks solutions for Africa's 36 million displaced
First-of-its-kind forum brings together business leaders, refugee change makers and the public sector in Rwanda to find solutions to forced displacement in Africa