General Assembly and Executive Committee materials
Responsibility sharing highlights
Background materials – resettlement
Background materials – complementary pathways
- European Union Agency for Fundamental Legal Rights - Entry channels to the EU for persons in need of international protection: a toolbox
- Katy Long - From refugee to migrant? Labor mobility's protection potential
- OECD – Is this humanitarian migration crisis different?
- UNHCR – Higher education considerations for refugees in countries affected by the Syria and Iraq crises
- INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION (ILO), Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration: Non-binding principles and guidelines for a rights-based approach to labour migration
- COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the Right to Family Reunification, 2003/86/EC
- ANJA KLUG, Towards durable solutions - Enhancing Refugees’ Self-reliance Through a Temporary Labour Migration Scheme
- TIM FINCH, MADELINE GARLICK and JUDITH KUMIN, MPI Europe Webinar: Scaling Up Resettlement: The Role of Private Sponsorship Programmes in Addressing the Refugee Crisis
- OECD, Making Integration Work: Refugees and Others in Need of Protection"
- Draft model framework on temporary and permanent migration for employment of refugee workers
- UNHCR Family Reunification
- Labour Mobility for Refugees, Summary Conclusion
- Labour mobility for refugees-Past and Present examples
- Extending protection- Labour migration and durable solutions for refugees
- UNHCR MPI Europe Ghent full summary February 2016 FINAL
- UNHCR MPI Europe Ghent key summary points FINAL
- Elizabeth Collett, Paul Clewett, and Susan Fratzke, No Way Out? Making Additional Migration Channels Work for Refugees, March 2016
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