Expert Meetings

Previously: Global Consultations Expert Meetings

To take stock of developments in refugee law and to examine a number of emerging issues, UNHCR, often in cooperation with its partners, organizes expert meetings, also in the context of implementation of the Agenda for Protection. To facilitate discussion, background papers are commissioned from experts. Depending on the topic, participants in the roundtable discussions are drawn from governments, NGOs, academia, the judiciary and the legal profession.

UNHCR Global Roundtable on Reception and Care-Arrangements for Asylum-Seeking Children

Bangkok, Thailand, 10-11 October 2018

Expert Roundtable on Onward Movement of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees

Geneva, Switzerland, 1 - 2 October 2015


2nd Global Roundtable on Reception and Alternatives to Detention


UNHCR hosts global discussions on reception and alternatives to detention of asylum-seekers, refugees, migrants and stateless persons. With the support of the Oak Foundation and the International Detention Coalition.

Toronto, 20-22 April 2015


Expert roundtable on the interpretation of the extended refugee definition contained in the 1984 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees


Montevideo, Uruguay, 15-16 October 2013


Roundtable on Temporary Protection


San Remo, Italy, 15-16 July 2013


Roundtable on International Protection of Persons Fleeing Armed Conflict and Other Situations of Violence


Cape Town, South Africa, 13 - 14 September 2012, hosted by the Refugee Rights Project of the University of Cape Town

Background papers:


Roundtable on Temporary Protection


San Remo, Italy, 19-20 July 2012


Expert Meeting on Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in Distress at Sea - How Best to Respond?


8-10 November 2011, Djibouti


Expert Meeting on International Cooperation to Share Burden and Responsibilities


27-28 June 2011, Amman, Jordan


Global Roundtable on Alternatives to Detention Geneva


11-12 May 2011

UNHCR co-hosts global discussions on alternatives to the detention of asylum-seekers, refugees, migrants and the stateless.


ICTR-UNHCR Expert Meeting on Complementarities between International Refugee Law, International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law


Arusha, Tanzania, 11-13 April 2011


Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Asylum


Geneva, June 2004


Effective Protection


Lisbon, December 2002


Religious Persecution


Baltimore, October 2002




Lisbon, March 2002

  • Background Note on the Protection of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees Rescued at Sea (March 2002)
  • Annex 1: Background Note Concerning the competence of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in relation to rescue at sea matters
  • Annex 2: UNHCR Executive Committee Conclusions concerning Asylum seekers at sea - Rescue at sea
  • Annex: Reception of Asylum-Seekers, Including Standards of Treatment, in the Context of Individual Asylum Systems (4 September 2001)
  • Annex: Problems Related to the Rescue of Asylum-Seekers in Distress at Sea (26 August 1981)
  • Annex: Report on the Meeting of the Working Group of Government Representatives on the Question of Rescue of Asylum-Seekers at Sea held in Geneva, 5-7 July 1982 (24 August 1982)
  • Annex: Problems Related to the Rescue of Asylum-Seekers in Distress at Sea (1 September 1983)
  • Annex: Problems Related to the Rescue of Asylum-Seekers in Distress at Sea (28 August 1984)
  • Annex: Problems Related to the Rescue of Asylum-Seekers at Sea (8 July 1985)
  • Summary of Discussions (April 2002)
  • List of Participants
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