The Nobel laureate who tackles themes of displacement, history and home
Abdulrazak Gurnah reflects on the isolation and hostility he had to face as a young man – and argues in favour of more humane attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers.

News comment: UNHCR's Grandi fears UK legislation will dramatically weaken refugee protection

UN Refugee Agency opposes UK plan to export asylum

The refugee weightlifter giving back as mental health nurse
Having found help during tough times after arriving in the UK, Cyrille Tchatchet was inspired to study nursing alongside training to compete at the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Many stateless in UK face a tortuous road to recognition
UNHCR study shines light on a hidden national issue that, despite recent progress, still affects millions of people around the world.

First solo flight shows sky's the limit for refugees
Four years ago Maya Ghazal fled the fighting in Syria. Now a trainee pilot, she's advocating for opportunities for refugees at the Global Refugee Forum.

Afghan boy endures hardship en route to a better future
Farouk, 15, fled Afghanistan and endured a difficult journey overland across 10 countries. Now he is reunited with his siblings in London thanks in part to help from UNHCR.

UNHCR, UNICEF and IOM urge European states to boost education for refugee and migrant children
Key challenges include lack of school spaces, teachers not adequately trained, language barriers and limited access to psychosocial support

Social media helps former refugee thank man who gave her a childhood bicycle
When Mevan Babakar was a five-year-old refugee in the Netherlands, an aid worker gave her a bicycle. Twenty-four years later, she was finally able to thank him.