Resettlement Data
This page presents the most up-to-date data on UNHCR’s resettlement activities. The Resettlement Data Portal contains information from 2003 to the most recent reporting period. The Portal is updated on the 17th of each month. The information presented here shows the total number of refugees (persons) who were submitted for resettlement by UNHCR to States and who departed for resettlement during the reporting period.
Submissions and departures
A selected number of countries is shown below. Click on a country below to see trends over time. By default the chart shows global totals .
By country of origin
By country of asylum
By country of resettlement
Demographic data helps UNHCR better understand gender and age breakdown of refugees who UNHCR has submitted to States for resettlement consideration. Resettlement demographics do not necessarily reflect protection needs nor are they relevant for States to accept refugees for resettlement.
Submission categories
Refugees are identified as in need of resettlement when they have particular needs or vulnerabilities in their country of asylum and cannot return to their country of origin. The chart below shows UNHCR submissions of cases based on resettlement categories further explained in UNHCR’s Resettlement Handbook.

An analysis and visualization tool that contains data on resettlement submissions and departures since 2003.

This site is restricted to Resettlement Statistics Report (RSR) focal points.