Refugees need better mental health support amid rising displacement

Insecurity and COVID-19 fuel refugee mental health concerns in Libya
The pandemic and recent security crackdowns have taken a high toll on the mental health of refugees and asylum-seekers, but UNHCR programmes are helping to make a difference.

Merkel says Nansen prize honours all those who welcome refugees
The former Federal Chancellor of Germany, who welcomed more than 1.2 million refugees in 2015 and 2016, accepted the prestigious award at a ceremony in Geneva on Monday.

UNHCR's Grandi: Political inaction deepening displacement crisis
Failure to find peace and address conflict, climate change and other crises is increasing hardship and driving new displacement, as funding limits UNHCR's capacity to respond.

Congolese refugee reunites with parents she thought she had lost
Françoise Chikunda Sabuni was living as a refugee in Uganda when she learned her parents, who she assumed had been killed years before, were alive and well in the Netherlands.

Netflix brings Yusra Mardini's inspiring story to the world
UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador hopes the dramatic new film of her and her sister's escape from conflict to new lives in Europe will challenge attitudes towards refugees.

UNHCR appeals for renewed support and solutions for Rohingya refugees

Funding shortfall forces UNHCR to cut vital programmes in DR Congo

Jordan's Za'atari refugee camp: 10 facts at 10 years
Opened on 28 July 2012 and still home to 80,000 people, Za'atari refugee camp has become a symbol of the long-running Syrian refugee crisis.