Sudanese refugees in Chad face challenges to deliver education

Faced with an influx of refugees from Sudan to eastern Chad, UNHCR and its partners are providing vital support for the education of refugee children.

12 Sep 2022

To support trafficking victims, UNHCR urges more protection services in Africa

29 Jul 2022

UNHCR's Grandi urges more support as Chad confronts multiple crises

With nearly 600,000 refugees and 400,000 internally displaced people, Chad remains a major host country despite facing its own socio-economic, political and security challenges.

16 Jul 2022

UNHCR seeks US$59.6 million for 100,000 displaced by violence in Cameroon's Far North region

21 Jan 2022

Cameroonian refugees in Chad seek means of self-support

Unable to return home after fleeing violent clashes last month, thousands of Cameroonian refugees require assistance while many are eager to provide for themselves.

21 Jan 2022

Clashes in Cameroon's Far North displace more than 100,000 people

17 Dec 2021

Deadly clashes over scarce resources in Cameroon force 30,000 to flee to Chad

10 Dec 2021

Dwindling rains in northern Cameroon spark conflict and displacement

The worst intercommunal fighting ever seen in Cameroon's Far North Region was triggered by attempts to adapt to climate change.

10 Nov 2021

Climate change fuels clashes in Cameroon that force thousands to flee

Dwindling water supplies are at the root of fighting between herders and fishermen that have driven thousands to flee both within Cameroon and into Chad.

9 Sep 2021