Thirty years of hope and higher education for refugees in West Africa

For the last three decades, DAFI scholarships have given refugees the chance to earn a university degree, providing the gifts of education, hope and a brighter future.

17 Oct 2022

Back to basics cookery show helps refugees in Algeria amid food crisis

In response to ration cuts and rising prices, Sahrawi refugees are watching an unusual cookery show to help them prepare nutritious meals with only a few ingredients.

14 Oct 2022

UNHCR's Grandi: Political inaction deepening displacement crisis

Failure to find peace and address conflict, climate change and other crises is increasing hardship and driving new displacement, as funding limits UNHCR's capacity to respond.

10 Oct 2022

UNHCR warns of surging needs in Sudan amid skyrocketing prices and gaps in humanitarian funding

23 Sep 2022

To support trafficking victims, UNHCR urges more protection services in Africa

29 Jul 2022

UNHCR's Grandi urges more support as Chad confronts multiple crises

With nearly 600,000 refugees and 400,000 internally displaced people, Chad remains a major host country despite facing its own socio-economic, political and security challenges.

16 Jul 2022

Global evaluation: International COVID-19 response fell short in upholding refugee rights

8 Jul 2022

Yazidi women box their way to recovery

A boxing project implemented by an NGO Innovation Award winner is empowering displaced Yazidi women and girls in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

23 Jun 2022

UNHCR: Global refugee resettlement needs will rise steeply next year

21 Jun 2022