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Urgent Appeal for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 is a situation unlike anything we’ve faced before – and it threatens refugees.

We are all doing all we can to protect our families. But imagine going through this crisis with no access to soap or water. No hope of isolating yourself and your loved ones because you don’t have a home to stay safely inside.

That’s the reality for millions of refugees. And that’s why we need your help to act now.

Around the clock, UNHCR is delivering lifesaving supplies and support to refugees and displaced people in countries like Bangladesh and Syria. With your help, we are:

- Ensuring clean water and soap are readily available
- Providing lifesaving information to families
- Airlifting medical aid and hygiene items to areas affected by the virus
- Increasing the number of hand-washing stations in refugee camps
- Equipping health care workers with the supplies and training they need

But we can’t tackle this pandemic alone. Please donate today.

We will only overcome this crisis if we unite and help the most vulnerable refugees together.

As the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi says, “the worst of crises requires the best of humanity.”

Thank you for being the best of humanity by donating today.

100% of your donation is used for benefit of refugees.

* Your donation is 100% secure and not tax deductible.

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