World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day








What is World Refugee Day?

World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day is an occasion to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognize their resilience in rebuilding their lives.

World Refugee Day in Thailand

Congratualtions to Mr. Anuwat Pongkhan, the winner of 11th Refugee Film Festival Poster Competition and other 4 finalists whose works are selected in to the final round.

Your talent and creativity have helped UNHCR to share the message of the “Right to Seek Safety”. Together we stand #WithRefugees.

11th Refugee Film Festival, 17 – 20 June 2020

UNHCR Thailand in partnerships with U.S. Embassy Bangkok, the Embassy of Canada to Thailand, the Embassy of Denmark to Thailand, Paragon Cineplex, Documentary Club, TV Burabha and PlanToys organize the 11th Refugee Film Festival to showcase refugee stories with award-winning movies and documentaries from around the globe between 17 – 20 June 2022 at Theatre 11, Paragon Cineplex. Feel free to register with no admission fee for the following 5 movies and documentaries.

World Refugee Day Activities

The Showcase of Refugee Housing Unit

17 – 20 June

Paragon Cineplex, 5th floor, Siam Paragon

PlanToys Tuk Tuk Painting Workshop

Saturday 18 June at 10.00 – 18.00 hrs.

THB 390 per car to take home or to donate to refugee children in Thailand

*Net proceeds will be donated to UNHCR

This year, UNHCR has launched a special campaign to create a global movement of solidarity with refugees. Upload your photo with our solidarity ribbon to show that you stand #WithRefugees around the world.

Join us!

World Refugee Day 2022


What does seeking safety mean?

1. Right to seek asylum
Anyone fleeing persecution, conflict, or human rights abuses has a right to seek protection in another country.

2. Safe access
Borders should remain open to all people forced to flee. Restricting access and closing borders can make the journey even more dangerous for people seeking safety.

3. No pushbacks
People can’t be forced to return to a country if their life or freedom would be at risk. This means that countries shouldn’t push anyone back without first evaluating the dangers they would face back home.

4. No discrimination
People should not be discriminated against at borders. All applications for refugee status must be given fair consideration, regardless of factors like race, religion, gender and country of origin.

5. Humane treatment
People forced to flee should be treated with respect and dignity. They are entitled to safe and dignified treatment like any human being. Among other things, this means keeping families together, protecting people from traffickers, and avoiding arbitrary detention.

You can find and download our World Refugee Day core messaging document here.

Why is World Refugee Day important?

World Refugee Day shines a light on the rights, needs and dreams of refugees, helping to mobilize changes and resources so refugees can not only survive but also thrive. While it is important to protect and improve the lives of refugees every single day, international days like World Refugee Day help to focus global attention on the plight of those fleeing conflict or persecution. Many activities held on World Refugee Day create opportunities to support refugees.

When is World Refugee Day? When did World Refugee Day start?

World Refugee Day falls each year on June 20 and is dedicated to refugees around the globe. World Refugee Day was held globally for the first time on June 20, 2001, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. It was originally known as Africa Refugee Day, before the United Nations General Assembly officially designated it as an international day in December 2000.

What happens on World Refugee Day?

Each year, World Refugee Day is marked by a variety of events in many countries around the globe in support of refugees. These activities are led by or involve refugees themselves, government officials, host communities, companies, celebrities, school children and the general public, among others. Read our World Refugee Day Live Blog to discover some of the activities that took place in 2021.