Online learning and training resources for all staff and communities

Online learning opportunities for practioners
- CP & GBV proGres v4 How to Video Series (UNHCR, 2021)
- Gender-based Violence (GBV) E-learning Levels 1-3; (Access limited to UNHCR or partners with L&C credentials) 2018 (EN)
- Gender Equality E-learning; (Access limited to UNHCR or partners with L&C credentials) 2020 (EN)
- Prevention from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) e-learning; UNFPA, UN WOMEN, UNICEF, UNDP, & UNHCR. 2020 (EN) Course access for UNHCR through L&C. Partner organizations can access the course through the Disaster Ready platform (requiring the creation of a free account and login), here (the course is listed under the name Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) Course access for UNHCR through L&C. (EN, FR)
Inter-agency and UN
- Different Needs-Equal Opportunities: Increasing Effectiveness of Humanitarian Action. IASC 2010 (
- I know Gender. UN WOMEN. (EN, FR, SP)
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Gender Equality. UN WOMEN. (EN)
- Managing Gender-based Violence Programmes in Emergencies. UNFPA. 2017. EN, FR, SP, AR.
- Clinical Care of Assault: A multimedia tool. IRC and the University of California, 2014 (EN, FR, AR)
- Gender-Based Violence Case Management in Emergency Settings. Online Course. ABAAD (EN)
- Peril or Protection: A webinar on Safe Livelihoods Programs for Refugee Women. Women´s Refugee Commission, UNICEF. July 2012
Facilitation materials on GBV
- Interagency Gender-based Violence Case Management Guidelines Training Materials. GBVIMS Steering Committee. 2017 (EN, FR, AR)
- Guidelines for integrating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action Modules. IASC. (EN)
- Cash & Voucher Assistance and GBV Compendium Training Modules. IASC. 2019. EN, FR, SP, AR.
- Gender and Disaster Risk- Reduction Training Pack. Oxfam GB. 2011. EN.
- Facilitator’s Kit: Community Preparedness for Reproductive Health and Gender. Women’s Refugee Commission. 2014. EN, Filipino
- Protection Mainstreaming Training Package. Global Protection Cluster. 2014 (EN, FR, SP, AR, Urdu, Burmese, Bengali) Rethinking Domestic Violence: A training process for community activists. Raising Voices. 2004. EN
- Get Moving! Facilitator’s Guide and Participant’s Workbook. 2012. EN.
- Gender-based violence and disability: A training module for GBV practitioners in humanitarian settings Women’s Refugee Commission and IRC. EN, AR, FR.
- Working with LGBTI People in Forced Displacement: An interactive training. UNHCR and IOM. 2017. EN.
- GBV Blended Curriculum. IRC. EN, FR, AR.
- Caring for Child Survivors Training Materials. UNICEF and IRC. EN.
- Facilitator’s Guide Mainstreaming GBV risk mitigation: A workshop for Multifunctional Teams. UNCHR. 2020. EN.