Internally Displaced Persons (IDP)

The longer the war continues, the medium to longer-term needs that conflict-affected people, IDPs, and returnees will face to rebuild their lives will similarly rise and require sustained support from the humanitarian and broader international community.

UNHCR has continued to expand the scale and reach of programmes, with the aim of delivering assistance and services to the places where people are sheltering or have been displaced. UNHCR’s response grew more than three times in one month and as of 6 June 2022 has reached more than 1,3 million people with protection services, assistance through cash or essential items, and shelter support to repair or protect their damaged homes from the elements.

While providing immediate relief to those fleeing, UNHCR is working closely with local and national actors to lay the groundwork for sustainable and durable solutions and ensure that our response is aligned with Government social programmes, thus effectively reinforcing and complementing national systems.

UNHCR operates as part of the inter-agency emergency response and is leading three clusters – Protection, Shelter and NFIs (non-food items), and CCCM (Camp Coordination and Camp Management).


Key response areas include:

Protection: Providing integrated protection information, counselling and services, including psychosocial support and legal aid, at border crossing points, online and in locations where people have fled.

Cash Assistance:  Scaling up the large-scale multi-purpose cash assistance programme in eastern and central Ukraine where there are higher numbers of IDPs and new arrivals while also enrolling referrals of IDPs with vulnerabilities from the Ministry of Social Policy pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry.

Essential Items: Delivering essential items such as bedding and hygiene kits, food and shelter materials to individuals and households, including in hard-to reach areas with humanitarian convoys.

Shelter & CCCM: Supporting local authorities in IDP-receiving locations to expand the capacity of reception and collective centres with essential items and refurbishments, while also planning diverse housing solutions for medium and longer-term stay and site coordination to ensure IDPs’ safe access to services.

For more information, please contact UNHCR Hotline:  0 800 307 711