Displaced women in South Sudan work to hold back floodwaters

Armed only with buckets and determination, hundreds of displaced women worked to clear the road which is a lifeline between their camp and the city of Bentiu.

21 Oct 2022

Devastation in South Sudan following fourth year of historic floods

21 Oct 2022

Weary of men's wars, South Sudan's women risk all for peace

Their sons and brothers got caught up in the bush wars roiling the world's youngest country, so the women decided to bring them home.

19 Oct 2022

Thirty years of hope and higher education for refugees in West Africa

For the last three decades, DAFI scholarships have given refugees the chance to earn a university degree, providing the gifts of education, hope and a brighter future.

17 Oct 2022

Violence erupts in DR Congo's west as nearly 30,000 flee clashes

11 Oct 2022

Farming together fosters ties between Burundian refugees and their Congolese hosts

After finding sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundian refugees are sharing their knowledge of farming with locals.

5 Oct 2022

Nearly 6,000 Congolese refugees return home from Zambia with UNHCR support

27 Sep 2022

Congolese refugee reunites with parents she thought she had lost

Françoise Chikunda Sabuni was living as a refugee in Uganda when she learned her parents, who she assumed had been killed years before, were alive and well in the Netherlands.

23 Sep 2022

Nearly 100,000 refugee arrivals in Uganda face a silent emergency, enormous needs

9 Sep 2022