2021 Regional NGO Consultations (RBSA)
UNHCR Regional Bureau for Southern Africa 2021 Regional NGO Consultations
Objectives and outcomes:
The virtual event brought together some 200 participants representing UNHCR, international and national NGOs, civil society and refugee-led organizations. It provided an opportunity for all participants to share experiences, good practices and lessons learned and to constructively discuss opportunities and challenges in the region.
At the global level, the conclusions and recommendations from the regional consultations will feed into UNHCR’s Executive Committee in October 2021, the High-Level Officials Meeting on the Global Compact on Refugees in December 2021 and the 2022 Global NGO Consultations.
At the regional level, a concrete action plan will be developed to move the recommendations forward.
2021 NGO Consulations for Southern Africa - Summary Report and Action Plan
Wednesday, 01 September 2021
09:30-10:00 Opening session
Opening remarks by:
- Mr. Valentin Tapsoba, UNHCR Regional Director for Southern Africa
- Mr. Marco Rotelli, ICVA Regional Representative for Africa
- Keynote speaker: Dr. Emmanuel Taban, former refugee and leading pulmonologist in South Africa
10:00-12:30 Session 1: Localization of humanitarian action and engagement with communities
Background Note – Day 1: Localization of humanitarian action and engagement with communities
Thursday, 02 September 2021
09:30-12:30 Session 2: Partnerships in challenging times
Background Note – Day 2: Partnerships in challenging times
Friday, 03 September 2021
09:30-12:00 Session 3: Implementation of the Global Refugee Forum Pledges
12:00-12:30 Presentation of key conclusions and recommendations
Closing remarks by:
- Mr. Raouf Mazou UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner for Operations
- Mr. Marco Rotelli, ICVA Regional Representative
Background Note – Day 3: Implementation of the Global Refugee Forum Pledges
Additional documents:
Concept note – 2021 NGO Consultations for the Southern Africa Region