2nd Research Conference on Forced Displacement

Call for Proposals

© UNHCR/Sebastian Rich

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2nd Research Conference on Forced Displacement has been postponed to January 20-22, 2022. The conference will still take place at the Universidad de los Andes, in Bogotá, Colombia.

The submission period for papers and extended abstracts will soon be re-opened. Researchers who have already submitted a paper and wish to modify their submissions will be allowed to do so. All submission rules and deadlines will be specified in the new call for papers.  

The conference will gather academics, practitioners, and policymakers for interactive presentations, panel debates, and policy sessions on the latest data and evidence on forced displacement, with a special emphasis on research on internally displaced populations.

The 2nd Research Conference on Forced Displacement will have a particular – albeit not exclusive – focus on research on internally displaced persons. The choice of the conference venue is therefore not accidental. Colombia has endured over 60 years of protracted conflict and has the highest number of internally displaced persons in the world. Moreover, there is a track record of policies, program design, and academic research related to the humanitarian and development responses to the displacement crisis in Colombia. The Colombian experience can be informative to promote new research and gather attention on emerging scholarship on this topic from around the world.

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