In 2019, there were over 26 million refugees worldwide. Yet, in just over one third of countries, there was no national asylum system. UNHCR has been working with, and building the capacity of, national systems since the 1990s across a large number of the countries in...
Por Giovanni Lepri, Representante de ACNUR en México, Theresa Beltramo, Economista Sénior, ACNUR, y Craig Loschmann, Economista, ACNUR Américas Un niño refugiado hondureño, de once años de edad, sigue una lección escolar con su teléfono celular en su casa en el norte...
Two recent studies, undertaken independently from each other, address the statistical debate on whether indeed today’s refugee population is the highest on record since World War Two. Each study, one by UNHCR and one by the World Bank, despite different methodologies...