About the Digital Platform

About the Digital Platform
The 4 key objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees
On this page
This platform brings together a growing community of Member States, refugees, NGOs, UN organisations, businesses, faith groups, academics, charities and community groups, all of whom are working together to find practical, long-term solutions that will allow refugees, internally displaced people, stateless people, and their generous host communities, to thrive.
The aim of the Platform
This is a community platform. It is for all actors who are creating, supporting, or running projects which aim to give refugees and their host communities more support, find long-term solutions, and offer opportunities for refugees to grow and lead economically independent lives. Here, you are encouraged to learn about the Compact, share your Good Practices, publicize concrete commitments as well as learn how the Compact is turned into action.
Why share Good Practices?
This site was called for by Member States of the United Nations in the Global Compact on Refugees (find more information about the Compact here). This platform has been specifically designed to make it as easy as possible for partners and practitioners to share their Good Practice in as much detail as would allow others to replicate them in another location or thematic area. But it is also a growing repository of lessons learned and how concrete challenges were overcome. A repository that can be browsed, consulted, and most importantly, can inspire new Good Practices, collaborations and commitments.
Good Practices are projects and initiatives that are in line with the goals of the Global Compact on Refugees, and have concrete learnings that can inspire others to support refugees and help inform new projects. If you have a Good Practice to submit, please go to the Share a good practice page and enter your good practice in the submission form.
Pledges and Contributions
You will also find a section on the pledges and contributions that were made at the first Global Refugee Forum in December 2019 and beyond. The Pledges and Contributions Dashboard allows you to explore all commitments made by the international community and will include a system to track the implementation of these contributions. States and stakeholders have the continued opportunity to pledge concrete steps for the implementation of the Compact.
The Global Compact on Refugees in Action
This site also offers insights into how different countries, regions and initiatives are working to achieve the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees.
The site features some resources to guide actors and practitioners in their implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees. Much like the Good Practice section, this library is a growing collection, and it welcomes new ideas and contributions that help others to meet the objectives of the Compact. You can share your suggestions with the Global Refugee Forum team at [email protected]
How to get involved
The site invites Good Practice contributions from all actors, but it also welcomes individuals who are wishing to explore the growing library of projects to discover the ideas, technologies and approaches that are being employed across the world to improve the lives of refugees.
To start your search, visit the Good Practices page and use the search filters to find projects in areas and places that interest you.