The MIRPS: The Pro-tempore Presidency
The MIRPS: The Pro-tempore Presidency

Para muchos niños y niñas es dificil evitar encontrarse con miembros de las pandillas en el día a día. Incluso ir a la escuela en un área donde hay pandillas plantea problemas. Algunos niños y niñas toman largos desvíos para llegar a la escuela por diferentes rutas para evitar ciertos barrios. Algunos alumnos dejan de asistir a la escuela debido al peligro y algunas escuelas incluso se han visto obligadas a cerrar debido a la actividad de las pandillas.
Established for the first time in 2019, the Pro-tempore Presidency is an internal MIRPS mechanism that fosters ownership and leadership among participating States in the implementation of the framework. With annual and rotational terms, the Pro-tempore Presidency seeks to strengthen the regional and national dynamics for shared-responsibility among MIRPS countries and with other actors. This includes cooperating States, civil society, other sub-regional mechanisms and the private sector.
The aim is to generate a positive impact in the lives of displaced communities and their hosts. Each Presidency develops an annual work plan and coordinates the MIRPS, with support from the UNHCR-OAS Technical Secretariat.
Guatemala holds the MIRPS Pro-tempore Presidency for 2021. Under the slogan “United for a supportive and inclusive region for refugees”, Guatemala reflects a firm commitment to serve as facilitators, in the generation of opportunities, conditions and solutions through innovative approaches and joint initiatives with a range of international partners and other key stakeholders such as the private sector, civil society, academia and local governments.
The 2021 Pro-tempore Presidency has the following focus areas:
1. Protection:
- Strengthening national asylum systems
- Reception, processing and admission of people with protection needs
- Internal displacement (following up on effort made by El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico)
2. Solutions:
- Consolidation of efforts made in local governance
- Inclusion of displaced people in need of protection in socio economic recovery strategies, especially concerning their access to the labor market and professional training
- Strengthening local integration of refugees (especially in terms of documentation, work, access to programs, certification of skills, training, among others)
3. Strategic Partnerships
- Civil society organizations
- United Nations System
- Inter-American System of Human Rights
- Private Sector
- Other regional mechanisms: Regional Conference on MIgration, Central American Integration System, Comprehensive Development Plan
Aiming to provide a platform for MIRPS States to share their experiences and knowledge, to identify joint solutions in different thematic areas, the annual plan creates the following Working Groups:
Learn more about the MIRPS 2021 Regional Plan here.