Asylum Capacity Support Group

To ensure that States have measures in place for the timely identification of persons with international protection needs, the Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG) is a mechanism for increasing the consistency and availability of support to strengthen the capacity of national asylum/Refugee Status Determination (RSD) systems.

Asylum Capacity Support Group

To ensure that States have measures in place for the timely identification of persons with international protection needs, the Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG) is a mechanism for increasing the consistency and availability of support to strengthen the capacity of national asylum/Refugee Status Determination (RSD) systems.

The ACSG Mechanism will act as a framework to structure asylum system capacity development projects and initiatives in different countries targeting positive improvements in one or more of the four characteristics of a robust asylum system: fairness, efficiency, adaptability and/or integrity.

In line with the ACSG Working Modalities and its accompanying Guide, the ACSG Mechanism will receive asylum capacity support requests made by States (or States and other stakeholders working together) and match these requests with corresponding offers of technical, material or financial capacity support. Pledges and contributions made at the Global Refugee Forum will be a prioritized starting point for this matching, however, requests for, and offers of, asylum capacity support can continue to be made at any time and will be reflected in broader Global Compact on Refugees reporting.

While ACSG projects and initiatives will be developed and implemented in a decentralized manner, a small ACSG Secretariat has been established in UNHCR’s Division of International Protection to coordinate the matching process.

More information regarding submission of requests and offers of support will be available soon.

For good practices linked to improving the fairness, efficiency, adaptability and integrity of asylum systems, visit the Good Practices page on the ACSG Portal.

Questions relating to the ACSG Mechanism can be addressed via email to [email protected].